About Us:Scorer

Make it Your Own is a place to explore both new ideas and re-envisioning others.  With a background in interactivity and education, we hope to get you and your children engaged in activities that extend the digital experience by outdoor exploration, creating etc..  Please join us and our children in collaboration.


Recently we have had a few requests for more information about what we do and who we are.

Some ideas that are important to us:

  • We enjoy doing and making things together and wanted to share that with the hopes of inspiring others.
  • We like to re-imagine items, changing things into something else.
  • We hope to encourage children to get out into nature and explore their surroundings.
  • Many of our projects are geared towards showing appreciation for others.
  • We hope people will “Make it Their Own”, taking an idea and personalizing it to suit their students, family members.  We LOVE it when you share your creations with us.

How do we structure our projects?

  • Many of our ideas stem from our children’s ideas and interests, others are processes that we would like to expose the kids to and some are based on materials we have or have been given.  As our friends and family can attest, making is our happy place.

Here is an interview that we did with the amazing site, hello, Wonderful:



Below is a short video interview we recently did in our studio with Telus (a national telecommunications company here in Canada).


Photo Credit (Family portrait only):
