Fall Leaf Math Activities Bonnie Scorer September 14, 2020 Activities, Fall 2020 Inspired by collecting leaves in our neighbourhood, we decided to make some activities for our little friends. These math activities are great for children in Preschool/ Pre-K, Kindergarten and or Grade 1. ...
Book Review: Parade Family Book Club Bonnie Scorer September 4, 2020 Activities, Fall 2020 1 Comment I have been following Lauren of Happily Ever Elephants for a long time on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/happily.ever.elephants/). Lauren's background is that of a school librarian and mother which...
All About Me Printable Bonnie Scorer September 1, 2020 Activities, Fall 2020 2 Comments Getting to know each other is so important to building relationships- whether you are in the classroom or connecting online this year. We hope this self-portrait printable and written component are helpful...
Book Review: Your Name is a Song, Alphabet Cards and a Display Hack! Bonnie Scorer August 11, 2020 Activities, Fall 2020 When I was a teacher, I would spend a good deal of time in September on getting to know each other and building community. This investment would lend to a cohesive and caring class group throughout the...
Printables on HP Play & Learn Bonnie Scorer August 3, 2020 Activities, Spring #3 2020 2 Comments We have been SO impressed with the children’s teachers this year and all that they have put into creative teaching online. As I was an educator myself, I know it is handy to have access to interactive,...
Lily Pad Softie Bonnie Scorer July 4, 2020 Activities, Spring #3 2020 1 Comment If you are looking to improve your sewing skills, one of our favourite sites for this skill is Sew a Softie https://www.sewasoftie.com/. Trixi teaches classes, has books and every July gathers people from...
Flower in a Vase Project Bonnie Scorer May 24, 2020 Activities, Spring #3 2020 Create your own unique flowers for this vase and printable background to go with it! Materials Printable Background & Vases: vase Paint Pencil/...
Butterfly Pom Pom Push Bonnie Scorer May 17, 2020 Activities, Spring #3 2020 My little nephew loves activities that have a fine motor component to them so we wanted to make him something to do with that from these boxes that Nan (grandma) gave us. You know you like recycled crafts...
Paper Farm Bonnie Scorer May 11, 2020 Activities, Spring #3 2020 3 Comments We recently made a paper fairy garden for some neighbours and the kids enjoyed the process so much that we decided to create a paper farm to go along with recently gifted Connetix Tiles vehicle set...
Alphabet Booklet Bonnie Scorer May 3, 2020 Activities, Spring #3 2020 1 Comment Our kids have had a great hands-on Kindergarten teacher who made a giant alphabet with the kids where they would bring in items from home, things that made etc. to glue into pages of a gigantic book with...