This activity was generated by our youngest. After making a popsicle stick house, he wanted a tree to go with it, spurring the idea that he could have trees that would change with the...
We are really excited to be participating in HOP FEST this year. This collaboration was organized by Little Button Diaries ( You may know them for their craft books and the...
This project uses centrifugal force to create beautiful butterflies! Materials Butterfly templates: butterfly 2-2 butterfly 2-4 (*Please note that there are variety of sizes for different makes of...
Painting on ice give you a different surface experience and the results are beautiful. We added a bit of twist by creating shapes by using cake pan molds! Materials Cake pan...
Tessellations are defined as: "an arrangement of shapes closely fitted together, especially of polygons in a repeated pattern without gaps or overlapping." * Tessellations are a great culmination project for...