Below we suggested both some confidence building, community forming and specifically “Back-to-School” books that either I liked as a teacher or that our kids like or both. What are your favourites? Is there anything special that you do with them? We’d love to hear!
A book would make a lovely keepsake for your child. Write an inscription on the inside and give it to them the week before school starts. Glue in a photo of them on the first day, should you like.
From Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
- Because You Are My Teacher (by Sheery North, Illustrated by Marcellus Hall) About all the journeys a teacher takes his or her students on.
- Miss Brooks Loves Books! (And I Don’t) (By Barbara Bottner, Illustrated by Michael Emberley) About how a teacher’s love of literature is contagious.
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books (by Lucille Colandro, Illustrated by Jared Lee) Building on the well-known children’s song with a school theme.
- All the Colours of the Earth (Sheila Hamanaka) A great book to go along with “All About Me” type projects.
- Chrysanthemum (by Kevin Henkes) A well-loved book about the beauty of one’s name.
- The Huey’s in the New Jumper (by Oliver Jeffers) A fun book about being unique.
- The Big Orange Splot (by Daniel Manus Pinkwater) A book about how your work is a creative representation of yourself and uniquely yours.
- Wilfred Gorden McDonald Partridge (by Mem Fox, Illustrated by Julie Vivas) A book about memory and objects that represent us.
- The Night Before Kindergarten (by Natasha Wong, Illustrated by Julie Durell) Based on the well-known Christmas rhyme, a book for both parents and Kindergarteners, acknowledging that everyone might feel a bit of separation anxiety.
- Kindergarten, Here I Come! (by D. J. Steinberg, Illustrated by Mark Chambers) In a rhyming format, talks about some of the common characteristics one would find at school- Recess, Class Pets, 100 Day etc.
- Kindergarten ABC (by Jacqueline Rogers) Talks about activities one might do in Kindergarten based on the letters of the Alphabet.
- Who Will Go to Kindergarten Today? (by Karl Ruhmann, Illustrated by Miriam Monnier) A child teaches his stuffed animal about Kindergarten.
- Rachel Parker, Kindergarten Show Off (by Ann Martin, Illustrated by Nancy Poydar) A book about a friendship that develops between two classmates.
- The Night Before First Grade (Natasha Wing, Illustrated by Deborah Zemke) Based on the well-known Christmas rhyme, this version emphasizes being brave and a bit independent!
- This School Year Will Be the Best! (by Kay Winters, Illustrated by Renee Andriani) A girl’s hopes for the upcoming school year.
- The Kissing Hand (Audrey Penn, Illustrated by Ruth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak) A well-loved book about a beautiful tradition between and mother and her child going off to school.
- Library Lion (Michelle Knudsen, Illustrated by Kevin Hawkes) An introduction to the library and a friendship.
- Giraffes Can’t Dance (by Giles Andreae, Guy Parker-Rees) A book about developing one’s confidence.
- Suki’s Kimono By Stephane Jorisch. A book about a child who wants to wear her traditional clothing to school and what that inspires. (This one is so well loved someone may have snuck it from the photography pile before the group picture was taken…)
- Swimmy (Not seen…must be hidden away in a certain someone’s room…) by Leo Lionni. A book about teamwork, great for community building.
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