Our daughter quite enjoys taking photos and thus, this inspired a photo nature walk. We are always looking for ways to use technology that is meaningful and promotes education. The kids were thrilled when they spotted a beaver dam to take photos of! Materials Camera, phone camera etc. Printable suggestion lists: photo_search_idea Cardstock Scissors Pencil/ eraser Binder ring & hole punch (*Optional, if you wanted to link the cards together) Directions Print your lists. There are some with suggestions for a forest or beach setting and a blank one for you to personalize. Cut out your lists and add any items you might want to look for or hope to find. With an adult, go out on your nature walk, taking photos of the items on the list. Here’s an example below with the list item of 3 pinecones (including the iPhone photo). Our favourite forest finds: Transfer the concept to another natural setting such as the beach, looking for items on the list to photograph: Or use it with a trip to the aquarium, butterfly garden with Grandpa etc. When you return home, print some of your photos if you like or further research items that you have found (investigate the names of plants, where are certain trees found, why are nursing logs important? Etc.) Purpose Using technology in ways that promote investigation, exploration etc. Getting out into nature Encouraging further research into various habitats and their components. Safety Notes Go on a walk with an adult. Use scissors with care and supervision. Exercise caution when using devices around water. Please like & share: Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Name* Email* Website Comment Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.