I have to admit, I always removed the book jackets/ dust covers from my classroom library.  While I see the value of them when they are laminated and provide durability to books in a school library or public library, I found that they often ended up a crumpled mess (particularly on the edges) even when students were very diligent in taking care of my book collection.  Thus, we were always cutting them up to make something else to go along with the reading experience!

These activities can also apply to books that are falling apart and are no longer fixable.

Check out the full tutorials at:


7 Creative Ideas for Book Jackets


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2 Responses

    • Bonnie Scorer

      Thank you! That is so sweet of you to say- particularly coming from authors like yourselves! I always would feel guilty about putting the beautiful artwork in the recycling bin and would fish them out to re-imagine with the kids. So thoughtful of you to leave a comment- it truly made my day! Bonnie-


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