Plastic ribbon rolls are like painting with big spools! Materials Cardstock or watercolour paper Craft trays Paint We always find a smock helpful too! Directions Don your...
Last week, our daughter, who is quite excited about leprechauns, brought home a finger painted gold sheet of paper from Playschool. She wanted to make more shimmery papers and punch out coins to hide for her...
Put together a little tray of rainbow coloured items with your children or students and then create something magical! Materials Sectioned tray (this is an old veggies and dip one, but you can find...
Rather than applying the paint to the paper we dipped the paper into the paint! This is an activity that is accessible to many age groups and who isn't excited for spring!? Enjoy the process and then use...
Whether for the exploration of process art or to create the appearance of texture for collage making, this is a great activity in that it relies on items within your recycle box to create the...
This activity evolved from experimenting with different types of lines! Materials Watercolour paper Liquid watercolour paper Containers Water Paint brushes Thicker paint (we used this Crayola...
When your Nan gives you foaming soap containers, this is a perfect time to explore what you can do with them. The kids were in pure delight with this one! Materials Watercolour paper (or...