Drawing from Flash Cards Bonnie Scorer September 22, 2016 Activities, Fall 2016 I can't say I ever used Flash Cards for their intended purpose, usually employing them as a visual word bank for students learning English while teaching in Toronto, converting them into games etc. This is...
Gift Companion to ADA TWIST, SCIENTIST Bonnie Scorer September 14, 2016 Activities, Fall 2016 Our good friends gave us Rosie Revere, Engineer and Iggy Peck, Architect so when we saw that a third book in the series Ada Twist, Scientist was coming out before one of the their birthdays we decided to...
Newspaper Leaf Garland Bonnie Scorer September 9, 2016 Activities, Fall 2016 With nature as an inspiration point, this activity up-cycles a telephone book! Materials Telephone book or newspaper (usually we decline the phone book, but we missed them this year and we found it on...
Find the Rainbow Game! Bonnie Scorer September 2, 2016 Activities, Summer 2016 #2 How many things sit in our mind's storage until something prompts us to remember them? The playground leader in our neighbourhood played this with the kids the other day and it immediately brought back...