Have you borrowed items from your kitchen to use in creative exploration?  



  • Cardstock or paper
  • Craft trays
  • Paint
  • Funnels

We always find a smock helpful too!

Ribbon Roll Painting with make-it-your-own.com (Creative activities for kids)


  • Don your smock.
  • Put out your paint onto your tray.  Explore painting with your funnels- whether it be dipping them in, putting paint into the funnel, rolling the funnel, using the small end etc.

Funnel Painting with make-it-your-own.com (Creative activities for kids)

Funnel Painting with make-it-your-own.com (Creative activities for kids)

Funnel Painting with make-it-your-own.com (Creative activities for kids)

Funnel Painting with make-it-your-own.com (Creative activities for kids)


  • Allow your paper to dry overnight- display it, save it for collage making etc.


  • Exploring various items to paint with.

Safety Notes

  • We suggest that you wear a smock and use a craft tray to protect your clothing and surfaces.
  • Use non-toxic paints and/or reserve your funnels for creating only.
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