Our kids enjoyed making a nest for birds in the spring using this string/glue technique and wanted to try it on the full shape of a balloon, making an egg sac type shape to go along with a spider.


Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Balloon (to be blown up by an adult)
  • Small cup
  • Pom poms
  • Craft wire
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue
  • Needle
  • Embroidery floss
  • Ribbon


  • Have an adult blow up a balloon a little bit for you.

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Put a bit of glue into a container.
  • Cut lengths of embroidery floss.

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Dip them in the glue.  Pull off the excess between your pointer finger and thumb, putting it back into the container.

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Have an adult tie the end of the floss to the tied portion of the balloon.  Go down the balloon vertically to provide some anchorage for when you wrap the floss around horizontally.  Wrap your egg sac horizontally and verically until you reach the desired coverage.

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Put it into a small cup to dry.  Depending on the amount of glue you used, it may need to dry overnight or for several days.
  • Carefully pop the balloon and pull it out of the egg sac.  Gently pull off any excess dried glue.
  • Take your two pom poms and attach them together with embroidery floss.  Knotting one end of the floss, sewing them together through the middle of each pom pom and then knotting it again.

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Have an adult cut four lengths of craft wire and stick them through the middle of the larger pom pom.  Bend them into “leg shapes.” Should you like, wrap the legs with black embroidery floss to make a more polished look.

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Attach your spider to the egg sac with the wire legs and attach the egg sac to a Halloween gift with ribbon.

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Give your gift to someone special!

Spider & Egg Sac Present Topper from make-it-your-own.com (Art, crafts & activities for kids)


  • Make a likeness of something.
  • Thinking of others.
  • Working with various materials.

Safety Notes

  • Exercise caution when using scissors
  • Have an adult blow up the balloon for you.
  • Have an adult cut the wire for you.  Be careful as it might present sharp ends.
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