Transform your little bits of felt into this floral headband to match a holiday outfit!


Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Elastic headband (You can purchase these at dollar and drug stores)
  • Fabric scissors
  • Felt (we used reds, oranges, yellow & black)
  • Buttons
  • Fabric glue
  • Embroidery floss/needle (optional)
  • Cardboard
  • Smock


  • Prepare all of your items for gluing.
  • Cut out felt circles to make a base for your flowers. (We used black.)
  • Cut out yellow centres.


  • Cut hearts out of felt. Snip off the bottom, pointy section.  Layer them on top of each other in a circular fashion without gluing them until you have a desired fullness of bloom.

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Stitch a simple line down the centre of the top petals with your embroidery floss and needle. (Optional).

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Don your smock.  Glue down your petals to the base, glue on your yellow centres and then add a black button on top with your fabric glue.

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Stretch your headband over a piece of cardboard so it is taut.  Carefully put glue your headband and attach your flowers.  Allow to dry overnight.

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Carefully remove your headband from the cardboard once it is dry.
  • Enjoy!

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Poppy Headband from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)


  • Using small pieces of felt that might otherwise be discarded.

Safety Notes

  • Be sure to wear a smock and exercise caution when using fabric glue.
  • Use a needle and thread with care and adult supervision.
  • Buttons can be a choking hazard so be sure to keep them out of the reach of children 0-3 or those that tend to put things into their mouths.
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