Re-imagine a clothing box or a brown paper grocery bag with this playful technique!  Add a yarn bow to go along with the theme!



String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Shirt box or grocery bag
  • Craft paint
  • String or yarn
  • Shallow containers
  • Scissors
  • Craft tray
  • Smock
  • Cloth or paper towel (*this can be a messy one!)

Yarn Bow

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard
  • Clear tape

*A fun alternative to the yarn bow which we included in the photograph might be rick rack used as ribbon!


String Painting

  • Cut enough yarn pieces to use one with each colour of paint.  We used a size that about half the length of our arm.

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Don your smock.
  • Put the lid portion of your box into your craft tray.  If you are using a brown grocery bag, cut up the side seam (have an adult help with this process), cut off the bottom and turn it inside out so you have a rectangular surface with out print to paint on.  You could also use kraft paper from the post office.
  • Put some paint into shallow containers.
  • Dip your yarn into your containers, making sure it is saturated (This is the key to the activity effectively working!)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Arrange it carefully on your box or paper.  Allow it to sit for a few seconds to absorb if need be.  You may need to gently touch it with your finger to assure contact.  Remove it slowly and apply another colour, wiping your hands in between.

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • When you are done, allow it to dry over night.

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

Yarn Bow

  • Cut a little window out of your cardboard as shown in the photograph.  (You may need an adult to do this as cutting cardboard can be tricky!)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Tape one end of your yarn down on one side of the window.

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Wrap your yarn around until you reach a desired fullness.

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Take another piece of yarn, knot it around the middle and wrap it around, through the window, knotting the end.  Trim any excess yarn off.

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

  • Gently slip your bow off your cardboard.
  • Attach it to your present.

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)

String Painting from (Art, crafts & activities for kids)


  • Re-purposing materials
  • Thinking of others
  • Using a variety of materials to paint with

Safety Notes

  • Be sure to wear a smock to protect your clothing and use a craft tray to protect work surfaces.
  • Use scissors with care and adult supervision.
  • Yarn can be a strangulation hazard so use with adult supervision.
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