Celebrate your mom, aunt, grandma or special person in your life with these three different Mother’s Day wreath card ideas!  


TEMPLATES: Happy_Mothers_Day

*We printed them on white card stock

Card #1:  Tissue Paper Flowers 

  • Tissue paper squares (You can purchase pre-cut squares at craft or dollar stores or cut them yourself in the shades that you like: We used two shades of pink, yellow and green for leaves)
  • White craft glue
  • Pencil with a new eraser
  • Shallow tray/ lid
  • Scissors

Card #2:  Artwork Hearts  

  • Scraps of artwork or old pieces (You could also make painted papers)
  • Heart punch
  • Glue stick
  • Pencil/eraser

Card #3:  Collage Flowers 

  • Scraps of artworks (You could also paint the paper in a technique that you like)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil/eraser
  • White, craft glue or we used a glue gun
  • Beads, pom poms, buttons etc.

We always find these items useful too:



Card #1:  Tissue Paper Flowers 

  • Print out your template on thick paper such as card stock.
  • Cut your tissue paper into squares.  (You can also purchase pre-cut squares to save time).
  • Gently wrap the square around the eraser of your pencil as shown.  We chose a yellow for the interior of the flower.  We then dipped it in a tiny bit of glue and wrapped a pink square on, followed by another bit of glue and a darker pink shade.  Once this was done, we dipped the darker pink shade in glue and attached it to our card, forming a flower on the circle.  We then repeated the process with green to form some leaves and added them on both sides of the flower.  You can make your wreath as full as you like with as many flowers and shades as you like.  Once the flowers are dry, you can kind of “fluff” them up.
  • Write a personal note inside the card, stating what qualities that you like and appreciate about the special recipient!

Card #2:  Artwork Hearts  

  • Print out your template on thick paper such as card stock.
  • We used some paper that we already leftover from other artwork projects.  You could also create your own painted paper- so for example we had a piece that was dotted and another that we had used by scraping an old gift card across the paper.  The contrast of the different pieces made the hearts stand out.
  • We used a heart punch which you can buy at dollar stores, scrap booking and craft stores (along with online) to punch hearts out of our artworks.
  • We then glued them around the circle to create a wreath.  (It is a good idea to place all your hearts on to see if you like the pattern, prior to gluing them)
  • Write a personal note inside the card, stating what qualities that you like and appreciate about the special recipient!

Card #3:  Collage Flowers 

  • Print out your template on thick paper such as card stock.
  • This is an opportunity to use up painted paper or scraps of old artworks in a different way.  Ours were made by using paint sticks (we like the Kwik Sitx brand) with splattered liquid watercolours on top.  Go with whatever painting or colouring technique that your child might be into!
  • We then flipped over the paper and drew out simple flowers shapes lightly in pencil, cutting them out.  You could be quite elaborate or if you have a flower punch, you could use that too!  Repeat this process with the leaves.
  • We took all of our cut-out florals and foliage and placed them around the circle to create a wreath that we were happy with prior to gluing them on.  Beads made the centre of our flowers stand out and you could use buttons, pom poms etc. as well- whatever you have on hand!
  • Write a personal note inside the card, stating what qualities that you like and appreciate about the special recipient!

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Make these three different wreath Mother's Day cards using 1)Tissue Paper Flowers 2) Artwork Hearts and 3) Collage Flowers. Say, "I love you" with a handmade, children's card with this free, blank template that you can write inside.


  • Recognizing and celebrating the special women in our lives.

Safety Notes

  • We suggest that you use a tray and a smock to protect your clothing and surfaces.
  • Use scissors and a glue gun with care and direct, adult supervision.
  • Beads, pom poms, buttons etc. can be a choking hazard, therefore be sure to keep them out of the reach of children ages 0-3 years of age or those that tend to put things into their mouths.
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